Dr Ruth Deutsch, the author of the Cognitive Abilities Profile is recognised as the leading UK trainer in dynamic assessment and cognitive education programmes. She trained and worked as a child psychologist in the USA and Canada and studied extensively with Reuven Feuerstein (Israel) and Carl Haywood (USA). In the UK, Ruth worked in an SEN Support Unit and a residential school for youngsters with severe learning difficulties. She is a Chartered Educational and Child Psychologist and combines training of psychologists, therapists and teachers with active clinical practice. Ruth teaches the Educational Psychology Doctorate Programme at Queen’s University, Belfast and also provides CPD training for many local authorities.
Ruth launched the Dynamic Assessment website in November 2009 and has grown the site to include dynamic assessment training courses and resources available to UK psychologists and teachers. The site describes DA and the Cognitive Abilities Profile (CAP) published by Real Press, its CAP training courses and ongoing user support.
A word about my work in the Dynamic Assessment field
I am a hands-on Chartered Educational Psychologist and carry out a lot of direct work as well as professional training. I have had the good fortune to study with some of the leading DA researchers and practitioners of this (past!) generation and have further developed and refined my own model of DA training and practice, standing on the shoulders of giants.
My DA courses aim to be short enough to be manageable, recognising professional time constraints, but extensive enough to offer in- depth training so that practitioners can have confidence in administering , interpreting , sharing and communicating their findings separately or together with other aspects of assessment, such as standardised tests, observation and consultation .
I teach DA modules at University to Educational Psychologists in training and am particularly appreciative of my role at Queens University Belfast, where the Educational Psychology Doctoral students upon graduation, have taken DA modules over three years + DA case practice + CAP training. At the same time, we are working together with the Northern Ireland Boards to ensure development of more mentoring and support and enabling ongoing practice.
DA training courses are available as CPD for whole services or groups, whether in the UK or overseas. Not all courses are advertised, some are arranged ‘in- house’.
Please contact Dr Ruth Deutsch at ruthdeutsch@coged.net for further information.
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